Key Opinion Leaders are content creators who usually get different investment round valuations or terms in return for content creation. BeraLaunch offers KOL investment rounds to offer exposure for the project that is raising funds.
Only wallet addresses, verified as KOL, are eligible in the KOL rounds. Apply here to become a BeraLaunch KOL.
Deal States
Upcoming An agreement between BeraLaunch and the project has been finalized. Investors can now apply for an allocation, complete with a bonus, at this stage. Simply clicking 'Join Deal' automatically whitelists the investor's wallet address for the start of the fundraising campaign.
Deal States - Cap state The fundraising campaign has started, granting investors who applied during the "Upcoming" period the opportunity to invest their min required, fixed, or (up-to) max individual ticket.
Ended The fundraising phase has concluded successfully, or the investment window has closed. Investments are now accessible in the BeraFolio vesting portal.
Community Protection Plan
The community protection plan is enabled when a KOL round is in parallel with a public sale round (IDO/INO). When the KOL round is like a private sale round, there will be no Community Protection Plan enabled.
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